
Easter Treat: Chocolate, Coconut Nests

Tomorrow is Easter so I thought it would be fun to make a little treat! These are super easy to make and take only three ingredients. Who doesn’t like easy and minimal ingredients? I know I do! Below, I’m sharing the recipe with you guys just in case you want to make these cookies for yourself. 😉

I used two different kinds of chocolate so I could try one! One is dairy-free and the other one is milk chocolate.

Aren’t these so cute? I saw them and just knew I had to make them! They turned out to be pretty tasty too.



Spread shredded coconut onto parchment paper and place in the oven at 350 for 10-15 minutes. Make sure to check every few minutes so that the coconut doesn’t burn.

Melt about 1 cup of chocolate in the microwave or on the stove. After chocolate is melted, mix together coconut and chocolate.

Scoop mixture onto parchment paper and shape into “nests”. Top with chocolate eggs or jelly beans and enjoy!

*I put mine in the fridge for 15 minutes to harden the chocolate

That’s it for today! I hope everyone has a great time celebrating Easter tomorrow! 🙂